Ein Computer mit einem geöffneten Amazon-Schaufenster und Kunden, die nach Produkten suchen.
Amazon Marketing

Amazon brand store – what is it and how to set it up?

Amazon recently introduced a fantastic way to create a custom website for a brand of your choice – the Amazon Brand Store, where your customers will only see your products.

Ein Kunde steht vor einem großen Tablet, auf dem die Produkte des Amazon Shops angezeigt werden

This is another opportunity to enhance your customers’ experience with your products, which means you can increase your sales.

The amazing thing is that your competitors cannot advertise in your store. This gives you the opportunity to tell your brand’s story and sell your products without being disturbed by your competitors’ advertising.

Moreover, setting up the Amazon Brand Store is completely free and easy, providing another chance to promote your products.

What is the Amazon Brand Store?

The Amazon Store is a free tool that allows you to create your own branded landing page with multiple pages and categories where you can present your products in a unique way.

Calvin Klein Amazon Store

With just a few clicks, you can elevate your brand to the next level and impress your customers. A simple wizard allows you to experiment with pre-made templates and create custom layouts. To create a store, you must have an active registered brand. It is worth noting that you can only create one store for each brand.

Is it worth having an Amazon Brand Store?

If you want to become a sales expert on Amazon, the answer is simple: Yes!

Stores allow you to generate many additional access points for your brand. They are accessible directly via their unique URL, which you can share, for example, on social media or in email marketing campaigns.

Therefore, we can distinguish two types of traffic – internal and external.

Internal Traffic

The store website can serve as a landing page for Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display ads.

External Traffic

When you create a store page, Amazon assigns you a unique URL (amazon.com/stores/YourStoreName) to direct visitors directly to your store. It can also serve as a landing page for external campaigns (e.g., email campaigns) or be shared on social media, in groups, or fan page posts. Additionally, it is indexed by Google, and your potential customers can search for your store via the Google search engine.

Furthermore, the Amazon Store can improve the shopping experience by:

  • Introducing your brand to a new audience,
  • Advertising new products to existing customers,
  • Strengthening customer trust in the brand and thereby increasing sales,
  • Providing a better user experience on mobile devices,
  • Utilizing internal and external traffic sources.

Which Amazon Brand Store format is best suited for your brand?

To help you stand out from your competitors, Amazon offers three types of templates: marquee template, product highlight template, product grid template, and the ability to customize the page layout yourself.

It’s up to you to adapt and design them to best represent your brand and goal. To design your shop, log in to Seller Central and click on Stores and then Create Store.

Each of the proposed templates has a different layout, which according to Amazon, can be used in different ways (see below):

 Arten von Vorlagen

Marquee Template

This type of template is best suited for brands with a wide range of products. It allows you to highlight categories and be more specific.

Amazon Store Beispiel - Marquee-Vorlage

Product Highlight Template

Offers plenty of space for main images and product details.

Amazon Store Beispiel -„Produkt hervorheben“-Vorlage

Product Grid Template

This is the simplest layout that allows you to display a wide range of products and their prices, and provides the opportunity to share your store on social media.

Amazon Store Beispiel -Produkt-Raster-Vorlage

To set up your store correctly, you should read Amazon’s detailed guidelines, which you can find here.

When creating, you can add elements such as:

  • A hero image (1),
  • A logo (2),
  • A navigation bar (3).
Amazon Store Beispiel - Kopfzeile

This way, you can maintain a consistent visual brand identity.

Make sure your navigation is simple and clear enough for customers to find exactly what they are looking for without much effort. Convenient shopping is key when it comes to stores.

Depending on the layout you choose, you can build your shop from different modules. This way, you can create a very interesting experience with your brand. Available tiles include:

  • Image (1),
  • Image with text tile (2),
  • Product tile (3),
  • List of recommended products (4).
Typen von Kacheln

When you are finished and satisfied with the design, click the Submit for Publishing button. This will activate the review process. Your brand store will be submitted to Amazon for moderation.

To speed up the review process, check carefully:

  • That there are no grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors,
  • That your shop displays correctly on mobile devices. Try viewing a draft version on a computer, smartphone, and tablet to ensure the website displays correctly on all three screens.
  • Check your text, especially the text on images, to see if it is readable (i.e., no blurry or grainy text).

The review and approval process usually takes up to three days. Once Amazon approves your store, you can start additional campaigns, which you can read more about here.


If you haven’t yet considered investing in Amazon Stores, now is the time. This way, you create even more trust with your customers, which translates into higher sales.

Just make sure your offer has proper SEO and that you use A+ content. This is an absolute must if you want to think about further growth.

Consider using Amazon PPC to enhance your store’s visibility. You can find our Ultimate Guide on Amazon PPC for 2024 here.

In the stores, your potential customers can learn more about your brand’s history and its wide range of products. They offer brands a special and rich shopping experience that appeals to customers.

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